How to manage approvals/Workflows in H2H Social Manager

The H2H Social Manager is an all in one resource for our clients to manage the posts that H2H Marketing contributes to their social media accounts and pages. Here you can review, approve, edit, or delete the posts that are contributed. There are two ways to access our social media manager login page/system, through our website (refer to the bottom of the page under quick links) or through our mobile app available for download on iOS and Google Play. You will also receive a welcome email upon enrollment that contains links to the login pages.

The different access levels set for different roles ensure a proper content flow within our client teams.

Posts created by a Content Scheduler (H2H Marketing) will appear in the Pending Approval post queue.

These posts must be approved by the Manager or Account Owner to be scheduled or posted to the social media accounts connected to the H2H Social Manager system.

The customer Manager/Account Owner can review, approve, edit, or delete the posts. Once they are approved, the posts get added to the related social media queue(s).

To review the contributed posts. The details of the process are outlined below:

  1. Log in to the H2H Social Manager
  2. Click on 'Posts' > Manage Posts
  3. Click on 'Pending Approval.' You can view the posts contributed by H2H Marketing in this section.
  4. Under the 'Pending Approval' section, click on 'Approve' to add the posts to the queue. You can also 'Edit' and 'Delete' the posts.
That's it! The posts will now publish at the scheduled day and time.

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like additional assistance with the H2H Social Manager system, please contact us